Brown Bess Musket Replica
Brown Bess Musket Replica

Brown Bess Musket Replica

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Vendor : Denix

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Reference Number G1054


An excellent full size replica of these famous 1776 pattern muskets. Used by both sides during the war of Independence This piece features full polished wood stock, steel barrel, working flintlock action and brass fittings. Comes complete with the correct pattern bayonet. The replica musket is a superb Re-enactors item.

Overall length with bayonet 190cm

Brown Bess is the affectional name given to various versions this iconic muzzle-loading smoothbore fire arm of the British Army otherwise known as the Land Pattern Musket.

The Brown Bess was used in service for over a hundred years during the British Empire’s key era of expansion. During its extensive service it was produced in a number of versions including Long Land Pattern, the Short Land Pattern, the India Pattern, the New Land Pattern Musket and the Sea Service Musket.

The majority of male citizens in the British colonies in America were expected to own & be able to use their own firearms & ammunition for use when servicing in the militia. Indeed the Long Land Pattern saw action with both sides in the American War of Independence.

The British supplied large numbers of Brown Bess muskets to Sweden that were used during the Finnish war as part of an effort to retain an ally in Scandinavia around the Baltic Sea area during the time of Napoleon .